We have our new truck transfer has happened, and warranty work on the RV is being done. Once the other truck sells, we’ll be on the road again! But . . . .

Isn’t this a sad picture? As Barney was helping our friend Tom clear out some trees in front of his new rental house, our Ford diesel played tug-of-war with a tree stump and lost. Should have looked up videos on YouTube about how to do this task safely. Now we have to get a new/rebuilt transmission, but at least we can get some upgrades to it so towing will be easier and safer.
Our next trip to northern Michigan and Wisconsin was supposed to start next week, but now we’re hoping to get out of here by Labor Day. We expect to be gone for 2 months, which takes a lot of planning! So glad we have people living with us to watch out for our home while we’re gone.
Meanwhile, we need to put 500 miles on the new transmission.