The saga of our truck problem continues. As we were driving home from Florida with our RV, we heard the same noise in the back of the truck. Yes, we have to get another real axle. Guess our Dodge Ram 1500 isn’t big enough to pull our light weight trailer, even though the specs indicate it should. So we prayed about how to proceed and what to do and then started investigating what the pros recommend. Our mechanics told us that the best truck we could get is a late 1990s to early 2000s Ford 350 diesel with low mileage.
Guess what? Matt, our youngest son living near Lake Tahoe with his family, has such a truck and has been wanting to sell it but hadn’t done anything about it. So . . . in early July we’re flying out for a visit and then driving it back– our second trip across the states this year. But this time we’ll take a more northerly route back. Here’s our new-to-us truck. It’s huge, but smaller tires will help (eventually).