When does a plan become a reality? It’s when the first steps are made. The first step for our retirement RVing lifestyle began in mid-November 2016 when we bought our Keurig coffee maker so I could have a good cup of coffee on the road and not have to look for a Starbucks every morning. I guess I was committed!

The second step was when we went to an RV show the next January at the Cobb Galleria. We walked and we looked. We discarded the too large and the too fancy. Then we turned a corner and saw a smaller trailer. When we walked up the steps, we noticed the open feeling, a curved ceiling that had room for our height, and no bed. The sales rep told us the trailer had a Murphy bed. No wonder the trailer could be shorter than those with standard beds in their own rooms! From then Barney started researching the style and the manufacturer. We talked about this style of trailer over the next couple of months, as well as the lifestyle of trailering in general. Barney wanted to make sure we had the same ideas of “camping” so both of us would enjoy this stage of life.
The third step we took in making our plan a reality was to actually rent an RV and take a trip with it. Barney found a company in Suwanee/Lawrenceville area, Lightin’ RV Rentals, that rents different sizes of RVs that could be towed. After talking with Brian and Jana about visiting them and finding a state park close to them, we put down a deposit for the last week of April and first week of May. The RV size we wanted wasn’t in stock, but the owner said they should be receiving a new one the day before we wanted to leave on our trip. We planned for the trip and prayed that the size and layout we wanted would be available, and it was!
Now time for part 3.