2019 other side – part 16, Bishop: pack mules in the Sierras
After learning about the mule teams that pulled the borax loads through the Death Valley, we thought we were done with mules. But Bishop gave us so much more information...
After learning about the mule teams that pulled the borax loads through the Death Valley, we thought we were done with mules. But Bishop gave us so much more information...
One of our stops while in Bishop was Palisade Glacier, the southern most glacier in the continental United States. It’s “within the John Muir Wilderness in central Sierra Nevada and...
Remember all we’ve learned about mule teams in part 2 of the Death Valley series? The Laws Railroad and History Museum just outside of Bishop had a barn featuring recreated...
Bishop has a wonderful museum just north of town that gives a glimpse of life in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The train depot, the original Slim Princess engine...
About an hour north of Bishop we came to the exit for Mammoth Mountain; between the Mammoth airport and the village, we were finally welcomed to California. Can’t believe it...
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