While we’ve been home so Barney could recuperate from full knee replacement (the second one is coming in November), I’ve been able to finish recreating the website for my devotionals and studies. (We couldn’t remember how to get to the old site so had to create a new one.) So much is available on WalksWithTheFather.com and more will be coming. Here’s what my first devotional looks like:

For those of you new to scripture or who want a different way of reading through the letters in the New Testament, you may want to order a devotional/study that reads through Paul’s short and long letters and through the letters written by the men who knew Jesus (both right- and left-hand versions).
If you don’t want to order a whole book, you can download individual letters for free.
Also included on the website are these Life in the Family studies for individuals or small groups at no cost:
- A new look at Martha and Mary since I’ve always thought that Martha gets a bum rap; Martha’s diary tells us how her life is changed by being around Jesus
- The life of Paul because Jesus chose him to take the good news to the Gentiles (most of us); his example shows us how the Father wants us to live
- Living in the family of God by looking at the one anothers/each others in the New Testament; family members reflect their father (do we?)
- Looking at how Jesus lived and walked while here on earth since John tells us that we’re to live as Jesus did if we want to live in God (1 John 2:3-6)
What’s next?
Soon I’ll be adding more free studies that you can download:
- A look at what’s going to happen after the rapture based on the scripture that supports the Left Behind series, including what the rapture is all about
- Personal studies on spiritual warfare, spiritual gifts, and what spiritual maturity looks like
- My first gospel devotional starting with Matthew’s Gospel; Barney and I are reading through it now, and I think it’s my best devotional writing ever.
I hope you’ll join us as we walk with the Father together through this life.
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