The first 8 months of 2023 was filled with times with family and 48 doctor appointments and medical procedures for Margie, plus pulmonary rehab and PT for rotator cuff problems in both shoulders. Finally I’m breathing easily enough (problem seems to be air trapped in lungs) that we can plan a 7-week trip starting in mid-September. I won’t be able to be as active as I’ve been since I often have to take a lie down in the afternoon for a 20-minute nap, but I’ve gotten strong enough to start working out again. Anyway, here’s what we’ve been up to as we’ve been figuring out how to get me healthier.
Spring in North Georgia is so beautiful. Dogwood trees like these in our front “yard” are so lovely.
March/April bring 3 family birthdays for the Martins: Matt, Tammy, and Jason. Love celebrating together! Tucker is leaning on Montana’s crutches.
Florida family trip
On our way south to visit Brian’s family in south Florida, we spent a night in an RV campground next to this amazing store on Interstate 75.
They had cases and cases of all types of meats, especially pork. We bought lots of packages of bacon for family gifts.
A baseball game with this fun family was a hoot. Go Mets!
Of course Barney got to help out with a family project of laying rocks around their plants in the front yard.
Walks to their local ice cream shop is always a treat.
While in Florida we celebrated our 36th wedding anniversary by having lunch along the waterway.
When we realized that Cash had an upcoming vocal concert, we just had to stay a couple more days so we could go. He’s on the right end of the bottom semicircle. Cash even had a short solo; didn’t know he could sing so well.
back home
We made it home in time to see Montana graduate from high school. She’s standing with her other grandma on the left, her brother (blonde hair), uncle, and aunt in the middle, and her dad on the right. This smart, athletic young woman is going to U. of West Georgia on a soccer scholarship in the fall.
And we made it home in time to go to Mackenzie’s voice and piano recital. She has such a lovely singing voice. So many talented students of all ages at the school of music.
Other grandparents, Paul and Judy, love hikes and plants, so we took them to Gibbs Gardens for a lovely day of walking around.
For more views of Gibbs Gardens, check out 2021 in-between times, post 7. We were in town most of the year so bought an annual membership that allowed us to visit whenever we wanted to.
We decided it was time to set up our final resting plans so found out that we could have a place at a military cemetery fairly close by. Everything now is decided on and paid for.
To honor Montana as she’s ready to leave for college, Brian’s family came north for a weekend the end of July. We love our card games.
Margie got in on the celebration too for her summer birthday. What a fun looking group; so sorry Barney wasn’t in the picture since someone had to be the photographer.
In March we had our deck boards replaced (under warranty), so of course we had to get some new chairs to match. With the flowers and plants, this is such a welcoming place to enjoy the outdoors when it’s not too hot or rainy.
As we close down August and get ready for September with fall decorations and pumpkin spice lattes, we’re also getting ready for an adventure in our RV. Stay tuned!