After a few days at home to catch up on laundry and cooking, we got back on the road again to visit some long-time friends who have moved back to Georgia close to the Tennessee line. Rob lived with us for a while as he got his finances in order and then met the love of his life (online) who happened to live in Virginia. We enjoyed watching their relationship blossom and then celebrated their wedding with them. Since then they’ve had 4 children and are enjoying life together.
Rob and Heather had a place for us to stay when we visited, and we felt so at home.
Barney and Rob have always enjoyed doing projects together, and Rob had a list that he wanted to work on over the weekend. The first was installing netting so the family could work on their golf swing. They own around 28 acres of land and have a perfect spot for a putting green—a project for another trip.
driving range
This 3-car garage port was the perfect location.
Rob had lots of netting, but how to use it was the question.
They guys came up with a perfect plan, and Rob was the first to use it. Notice the firepit out in the yard? Every night we sat outside around a fire and roasted marshmallows.
Everyone is waiting for a turn to swing their club.
This picture of Robbie after a good hit shows you the beautiful view the family has of the North Georgia mountains.
race track
“As boys grow older, their toys get bigger.” I don’t know where I heard this quote but it is so true. Rob and Heather’s sons (and daughter) love taking their machines all around the outside of the field.
the newest “toy”
A heavy duty roll bar was added after one of the sons went too fast around a corner. Here’s the youngest son, Samuel, in the driver’s seat.
Oh oh. One of the cars needs some help.
Rob and Robbie worked on the wheel and got it running again.
Just in time to pull the newest ATV in for some repairs. Sigh.
tree swingand climbing rope
Most of their front yard is grass (Rob is looking for a used sitting lawn mower).
But in the corner of the yard was this large, beautiful tree with limbs just perfect for swinging. Son #2, Daniel, was helping out.
The swing could hold the 2 younger siblings.
Robbie, however, was heavy enough that he enjoyed the swing by himself. They tried to figure out a way to eliminate the need for a pusher, but no such luck—yet.
Enough of the heavy rope was left over from the swing project that the guys were able to put up a knotted climbing rope.
Rob and Samuel got pretty far up the rope.
But Robbie was able to climb the highest. Bet they’ll keep working at this, especially when they get better shoes for climbing.
pulley system for jeep top
Another project for the weekend was setting up a pulley system for removing the top of their jeep so the family can enjoy driving in it with air blowing around them. Robbie, the oldest son, just got his driving permit, so he was really excited about this project since the jeep will be his for driving to high school in a year.
First the plan was to rig the pulley system in the car port, but then they realized that the heavy framework of the trailer cover where we’re staying would work best.
Barney and Robbie are working on the pulley while Rob is trimming branches that were getting in the way.
The project didn’t get finished while we were there (more heavy duty pullies were needed), so we look forward to seeing the completed project when we visit again.
other outside activities
Heather, Sarah, and I enjoyed a walk down the road leading into their home.
The goal of the walk was for Sarah to be able to pet the neighbor’s horse.
Every morning, we were welcomed to the day by Samuel shooting hoops by himself. The brothers would join him at times during the day, but in the evening all 4 of the guys would play each other. It got pretty competitive.
walk to the creek
You’ve seen this picture before, but this time I wanted you to see the path on the left to the creek that follows the tree line. Twice a year a farmer comes in to harvest the grass in the middle of the field so that the property be designated as a farm for tax purposes.
On previous walks, Rob had noticed that beavers had built a dam across the creek . . .
so he bought a motion-activated camera so they could see the beavers at work.
Another project that Rob’s taken on is a bee hive so they can have their own honey. So much to learn.
The wildflowers in the grasses are a draw for the bees.
The family’s next project is a chicken coop so they can have their own fresh eggs.
Barney and Rob enjoying the walk back to the house along with one of the family’s dogs.
Hopefully we’ll be able to join them again this summer so Barney can help out with more projects.