As this picture shows, the Delft and wooden shoe factories are also featured at the farm. We’ll also get to figure out the difference between Holland and the Netherlands. This country has been famous for centuries for their trading all over the world (remember “Dutch West India Company” from your history classes?).

Let’s take a look at the history of the Netherlands. For hundreds of years, the Dutch West Indies was responsible for trading all over the world as the representative of the small country we know now as the Netherlands, just north of Belgium. The country has 12 provinces, and Holland (North and South) is the most famous. It’s the gateway to Europe from the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean and covers 15,700 square miles for their 14 million citizens, making it the most densely populated country in Europe. Amsterdam is the largest city and its capital, and Rotterdam is the world’s largest port.

Delft pottery
Have you ever heard of Delft? In case you need a refresher, here are some examples of the pottery that they have for Christmas.

We bought a Christmas ornament in the shape of a windmill as a reminder of this trip.
So what is Delft?

how is Delft pottery made

Let’s learn some more about making these pieces. Delft begins as a liquid clay slip that is poured into plaster molds. The clay then is allowed to set until the wall thickness is what the maker wants. A slip is a suspension in water of clay and/or other materials used in the production of ceramic ware

To make delft greenware, liquid porcelain is poured into a mold as we’ve already talked about. The water absorbs into the plaster mold, leaving a solid clay-like substance along the interior walls of the mold. When it becomes 1/8-1/4 inch thick, the excess clay is poured out.

wooden shoes

See the sign at the bottom of the picture offering carved shoes for stroopwafels? Of course I had to look up what this was. “A stroopwafel is a wafer cookie made from two thin layers of baked dough joined by a caramel filling. First made in the Dutch city of Gouda, stroopwafels are popular throughout the Netherlands and the former Dutch Empire and are well-known Dutch dishes.” Cindy bought a package for us to enjoy, and they are delicious! Wish I had brought some packages home.

Despite their inflexibility, the shoes are comfortable and warm when worn with thick socks. In some regions of the Netherlands, they are still worn today.

Hmmm, wonder if they are really that comfortable.

Now that we’re done for the day, we’re ready to go home for a good night’s sleep before seeing more tulips elsewhere. This warm, sunny day was the best day we had on this trip.