January to March was full of doctor appointments, Barney working on the RV and truck, and times with friends. For Christmas, our oldest son, Jason, gave Barney a gift of axe throwing that they could do together. What fun. I actually saw an axe throwing competition as a backdrop to a Christmas movie last December. Anyway, they finally got to go in March just before we took off on our trip to Florida to see family and friends..

Three times a week (our goal) we make it to Grind for a good workout. While not officially a CrossFit box, that’s the workout style we use. Every year in March, CrossFit boxes all over the world start the competition for the Open in July. We go and cheer them on.

Since our church has been closed to in-person worship services this past year, Easter was our 1st time to get together—outside. We went to the 3rd service on late Saturday afternoon and sat in the back parking lot since the grassy area was already full with families using the social distancing circles.

azaleas in bloom
The day before we left for our trip to visit family in Florida, some of our azaleas were in full bloom.

Can’t wait to see the rest of the flowering plants when we get back from Florida the end of April.