August means getting out of Georgia’s heat and humidity and visiting our son Matt and his family in northern California’s Lake Tahoe area. While we didn’t have humidity in Truckee, we did have heat and smoke from the fires. The highlight, though, was time with Matt and Peggy and their children, Montana and Tucker. Usually we get to see soccer practices and games, but this year the smoke kept us inside a lot. Keeping the house closed against the fire meant we had to get some fans to move air around, especially on some really hot days. What different weather this year for a family visit!

Tucker and Pops (Barney) played golf at a local public course 8 times during the 2 weeks; Matt was able to join them after work a couple of times. For just taking up golf this summer, Tucker (age 13) is a pretty good player and got better with playing more often and from getting tips from Pops.

One day the smoke was so bad that the course was officially closed, but the golf pro said Barney and Tucker could play if they walked and pulled their clubs.

wood pile
Often while we’re visiting in August, Barney works on splitting firewood for the family since they warm the main floor of their house with a wood-burning stove on cold, winter days. Tucker helped day in and day out; Montana even got involved one day after her morning soccer practices with the high school soccer team.

Montana helped out a couple of days, doubling what could be done.

Barney would stack straight from the wheelbarrow so he didn’t have to lean over to pick up the wood. Smart.

family life

Barney and Matt played endless games of acey deucey on a backgammon board. Barney learned this game from his dad (Bud), and both had played it on board Navy ships while they were pilots in the Marine Corps.
Pops and Tucker Peggy and Matt

walking with the dogs
Peggy and I enjoy talking the dogs on long walks. Our first walk was along the Truckee River.

Shadow really worked at making friends with us, and we decided if we ever got another dog, this is the breed we’d want.

a look at the smoke from the fires
While we were at their home that’s outside of Truckee (North Lake Tahoe area), we kept checking the weather app to see which direction the wind would be blowing so we’d know if the smoke was coming our way that day. Here’s the view we usually see:
looking west—see the snow in the distance? looking north (through a window)
Here’s what we saw most days.
looking west looking north across the street

Our 2 weeks with the family, including our 1 week with just the grands, went so fast, and we’re looking forward to seeing them, and the rest of the family, at Christmas time.