Remember the work we had done in the back yard during the summer when some 8 trees were cut down? Now that December is here, replacement trees can be planted. Nick, our landscape guy, had some ideas for making our backyard more usable, and that’s what we’re going to have done this winter.
Nick came to check out the finished project.
Our backyard has always given us headaches. The hardwood trees provide such a cover for the sun that grass has a hard time growing—and Barney has tried everything. The only green we’ve been successful with has come from moss. We’re hoping that by taking down trees on the west side of the yard, we’ll get more sun to the grassy area.
Here are some more pictures of the trees that had to come down before we could start the project that we’re showing you in this post.
If you’re not familiar with Leland cypress trees, they grow fast but only stay healthy for around 25 years. Such are the age of the trees in our yard.
This slanting tree is actually dead
Now you can see how dead it really is.
This tall tree is actually leaning on our neighbor’s tree across the fence. Since our tree can’t stand on its own, we want to protect their tree too.
winter project
Another problem we’ve had is the drainage. Streams of rain water flow through the yard to our neighbor’s yard. They have a drainage system that helps the water move down the slope to the drain on the street below us. Nick’s idea is to level out our yard and build a drainage area to flow into our neighbor’s system.
Since Nick plans on bringing top soil into the backyard with a Bobcat on the west side of the house, the ground on this side will be torn up so new sod will be needed. His men will also be working on the irrigation system that’s developed leaks over the years. Since we get so much rain to naturally water the “lawn,” we haven’t had to use the watering system for a number of years. Now it’s time to get it fixed.
the before look
East side of backyard needs a pathway to lead to the back.
The dip in the back lawn is about 2′ deep. See the brick edging on the right side of the picture? It sets off a fern bed that we planted a few years ago. This lower area will be elevated and the ferns moved to under the trees.
Ferns are waiting to be spread out and replanted underneath the hardwood trees. Wondering what the other plants are to the right of the ferns?
This fragrant gardenia bush gets larger each year.
This area is where the 5 new buffer trees will be planted parallel to the fence. Nick will have an earthen berm built to provide support for these trees; a split in the berm will allow drainage.
West side of the house will have new sod.
the work begins
The bent fence (from prior tree damage) is being removed so the Bobcat can get to the backyard.
This load of top soil will level out the backyard.
Bet the crew is glad that they don’t have to move the top soil by hand.
Then the Bobcat is driven back and forth over the new top soil to pack it down.
Sod was delivered for the west side of the house before a rain storm.
The rain turned the leftover top soil into mud that flowed down into the area waiting for the new sod.
In the middle of the muddy slope was an open area for the sprinkler pipes that needed to be fixed. What a mess! Glad we don’t have to clean it up.
finished look
Before the rain came, the crew spread out grass seed and put straw over it. Sure hope the grass grows. (It didn’t, so new grass seed will be spread out when it gets warmer.)
east side of backyard—see the pathway?
This view of the flatter ground shows us the new tea olive trees in the distance. They’re small now but will grow taller.
This view looking up the hill shows us how flat the backyard is now.
Here’s another look at the very back of the yard with the ferns ready to be spread out.
The grassy area is so much bigger now. Sure hope the sun can get to it.
This west side of the house now has sod on our side of the fence. The new gate for the fence is on order.
This closeup picture shows the new trees and the draining system that flows into our neighbor’s system.
Of course Nick and his workers have more to do. The rain washed away the grass seed, the irrigation system still has a small leak, and the sprinklers don’t cover everything on the side yard. Glad all will be done when the weather gets warmer and the irrigation system guy can come back. With the new fence coming in (sometime), we’ll be done! This has been a big job but so worth it.
staying fit
Now that we’re home for a while, we decided to get back to working out on a regular basis. For those of you in a regular exercise program, you know how painful this can be! Barney started back first while I was still going to physical therapy, but I got to start back in December. We’re going 3 days a week and loving it; the people we work out with are friendly and encouraging. If you’re in the Alpharetta/Johns Creek area, check out Grind Fitness Center.
Here’s the WOD (workout of the day) for today. Of course, we can modify as we need to.
Everyone is working on a 1 rep max for a squat clean. Yes, that’s Barney in the back wearing the sweatshirt (it’s cold outside).
For time, we’re doing 10 pull-ups (or ring rows), 20 box jumps (or step ups), 30 pull-ups (again, ring rows are optional), and 40 box jumps (or step ups). Barney is a lot faster than I am, but at least we both finish.
Thank you Frank (our coach) for making sure we’re doing everything correctly and pushing ourselves.
The area on the right is for the wrestlers that Frank trains.
One of our favorite parts of Christmas is family. Our original plan was for everyone to come to Georgia this year, but decided that it wouldn’t be wise for this year.
Every year on the day after Thanksgiving, we drive to North Georgia with our Georgia family so they can cut down their Christmas tree. So glad we got to join them this year!
Brian and his family enjoyed Disney World together before Christmas. We miss them!
Matt and his family go to the woods in early December to cut down their tree each year. We miss them too!
Barney was so smart this year to take a picture of how Christmas boxes are stored so he could put them back in the same place.
This year as I reread this book, I posted what I learned on FB. Didn’t get too many chapters done so will continue this project next Christmas.
I got hungry for ginger cookies this year so started experimenting. This first batch wasn’t a do-again, but the second batch was perfect! Going to Colonial Williamsburg last December got me started on finding a perfect recipe.
Since we couldn’t be with our Georgia family for Christmas, we celebrated with those who live in our home.
And I got to make my mom’s coffee cake that was a favorite as I was growing up. Yum. We just had to try it after it had cooled.
Christmas at NPCC
As one of the mega churches in the U.S., our church leadership decided not to meet inside the building until Covid-19 had calmed down. This year they sponsored a Christmas tree lighting service on the lawn outside the building. We were in our own circles so we could enjoy the music and drink the hot chocolate.
The singers are getting ready to sing.
The tree is getting ready for its magic.
When the lights came on, the music was wonderful and so encouraging.
And the lights on the tree followed the music, especially the Grinch Who Stole Christmas song.
spotlights as we were leaving
So enjoyed our evening with our son, Jason!
Barn’s birthday
At the turnover for the new year, we celebrated Barney’s birthday with some dear friends we spend time with.
Costco pizza and Sheri’s coconut cake—2 of Barney’s favorites.
As we look forward to 2021, our hopes and prayers for you all come to mind as we anticipate getting back on the road.