As promised, we’re taking a hike/walk/saunter along the Seminole Canyon rim at the state park today. The full hike is 7.5 miles, way too much for us since we haven’t been walking a lot lately. Instead we sauntered about 3.25 miles to scenic overlook and then circled back to our truck. The scenery went from flat with scrub brush to canyon rims. Along the way were the wildflowers and a new friend. Come, please take a walk with us.

The weather today was perfect for our first hike of our trip. Two days ago the temperature was 101 degrees; today we started off in the 70s, sunny, and windy. I didn’t take off my black sweatshirt until half way through the hike. Really I mean saunter, not hike, because our 3.25 miles took us 2-1/2 hours to finish!
The word for this area is Adapt or Perish as shown on this sign as we started out. This need to adapt is true for plants, animals, and people.

second sign: Watch Out for Snakes Yes, I am hiking!
field of wildflowers with white ones here and there

pathway Barn making a new pathway
ledge along a canyon closer look

as close to the edge as I wanted to go can see forever
Barn making his own path again No rocks thrown into the canyon? Right!

walking back more wildflowers
Which way? Follow me!