One of our stops while in Bishop was Palisade Glacier, the southern most glacier in the continental United States. It’s “within the John Muir Wilderness in central Sierra Nevada and descends from the flanks of 4 mountain peaks over 14,000 feet in elevation; the third peak is the highest peak in the Sierra Nevada Range.” (Wikipedia)

The glacier is the mass of white just to the right of the V.
The next picture is a close-up.
Both of these pictures were taken in front of the Glacier Resort trout lake.

After this look at a real glacier, we drove a little more to Big Pine Creek where a trailhead allows hikers to enjoy the beauty of the wilderness up close.

At the trailhead, we walked along the stream for a while and got to see ponderosa pines and the beginning of spring. Haven’t seen these pines since we left California.

rushing water in the creek behind the trees?

We started seeing these hordes of butterflies in Death Valley around our campsite and have seen them at every stop since, even here at Big Pine Creek. The ranger at Death Valley told us they were coming from Mexico and even further south of there. The amazing thing for us were the number of these butterflies that reminded us of monarch butterflies.

The view of the valley below gave us a glimpse of the
grazing land and farms in the area.

area and the scenery we got to take in.