The last time we looked at the Bay of Fundy between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, we were at Hopewell Rocks where we were able to see the biggest difference in the tides. Today we get to see what happens to some of the water that doesn’t go out with the tide. We’re also going to go looking for filming sites for Jesse Stone movies and Haven, two of the shows we watched that were filmed here in the Halifax area.

tidal bore
So what is a tidal bore? The word bore derives through Old English (remember Beowulf?) from the Old Norse word bara, meaning a wave or swell.
In Fundy Bay, most of the high tide water flows back out, but some keeps on going into a bay and a basin. Entering these areas, it actually creates a wave as it works against the water receding during area’s low tide
To tell you the truth, we were expecting a higher wave, but maybe that happens at the other tidal bore location in the Bay of Fundy. Regardless, here’s what we saw.

birds are starting to fly

wave is starting

leaving tidal bore

Jesse Stone filming locations
What amazes us is how Hollywood (and other filming companies) can make an town that really looks nothing like what’s around it. In Jesse Stone movies, he’s in the small town of Paradise, Massachusetts, close to Boston, after leaving the Los Angeles Police Department.
Actually most of the locations are in the modern city of Halifax that has some old buildings nestled among the new. Only Jesse’s house across the bridge is in another area. Thanks to Barney to finding these places for us to see.
Jesse’s house
After being in the town of Paradise for a while, Jesse wanted to live away from everyone, so his realtor found him this house. The only way to get to it was to cross this bridge—with his groceries and his dogs.

The house is outside of Halifax along the coast fairly close to where Haven was filmed.
sheriff’s office
In the movies we often see Jesse walking into this building that was the sheriff’s office. It’s now a school of theology.

Captain Healey’s office

diner in Paradise
In one episode, Jesse had a meal here with Hastie, the once town major who was also a car dealer, and was put in prison by Jesse. Jesse also ate here with other Paradise residents.

gazebo meetings with Suitcase
In many of the movies, Jesse met with his deputy, Suitcase, to compare notes and enjoy coffee and donuts. The spot was filmed in Dinky Park, officially Sir Standford Fleming Park. What we figured out was location people saw this gazebo and built one like it close by for the movies. We brought donut tidbit from Tim Hortons with us and enjoyed them as we sat near the water where Jesse met with Suitcase, Jesse’s nickname for his deputy.

gazebo site in the movies
We tried to determine the actual location for the gazebo by review clips from the movies. If you watched the movies, what do you think?

tower in the background

Jesse’s dog, Reggie, on the beach

fancy house across the water
This house is seen in movie 9, Lost in Paradise, when Jesse talked to the deceased woman’s husband, the suspect.

Hasty’s closed car car lot
After Hasty went to prison, Jesse made a visit back to the closed car lot where Hasty’s secretary had helped Jesse. This scene was in opening credits of movie 9, Lost in Paradise. Of course, the building’s color was different.

Haven’s filming locations
Haven is an American-Canadian supernatural drama television series that started in 2011 and ran for 5 seasons. It’s loosely based on the Stephen King novel The Colorado Kid. The show, which deals with strange events in a fictional town in Maine named Haven, was filmed on the south shore of Nova Scotia. Many in this coastal town have a dormant curse or “trouble” that could be trigger at any time for any reason. FBI agent Audrey Parker (the Colorado Kid), Nathan (the sheriff), and Duke (the town’s black sheep) must deal with the troubles’ deadly effects.
The pictures are from 2 towns along the southern coast.
sheriff’s office

town’s gazebo

newspaper office
Dave and Vince, brothers—maybe, have their newspaper office in this building.
street with rolling stone

antagonist’s church

Gray Gull
Duke owned and ran this restaurant throughout Haven’s episodes. Audrey lived upstairs for a while.

The Barn
In season 3, much of the story line happens around and in The Barn.

In years past we’ve seen Cabot Cove from the TV show Murder, She Wrote with Angela Lansbury. The story line had it on the East Coast, but it was actually filmed in northern California along the coast. We also saw the inside of the ranch house on Bonanza—it was so much smaller in person. They had cameras everywhere to give the different perspectives.
Have you seen any other filming sites? They have helped us see areas of the U.S. we wouldn’t have seen otherwise.