While traveling, we’ve often had to find a Starbucks for its WiFi and a reminder of home. When we got to Corpus Christi and checked into our campsite, internet wasn’t even available (usually it’s available but slow), so we searched for a Starbucks that was a stand-alone (rather than in a store) and that wasn’t close to the highway in case we were able to sit outside. We found a good one, and our barista had on an interesting apron.

DJ is a Barista Champion for the Starbucks district from Austin to Brownsville (pretty big area!). He made his three drinks—a latte, a macchiato, and a cappuccino– better than any of the other competitors; makes me want to try one of his special drinks! We’ve been in this Starbucks three times, and each time he greets us by name, kinda like our Starbucks at home. We are so impressed.
When we entered Texas, we started seeing Whataburger signs in every town; it looked like a Chick-fil-A or an In-N-Out Burger.

At one of our campsites we asked about this chain and found out that the first store opened here in Corpus Christi in 1950. Of course we had to try it out.

Chase, on the right, welcomed us to the store and was delighted that this was our first time at a Whataburger. The founder’s goal was to have a 5-inch burger so that when someone took a bite, he or she would say, “What a burger!” It was 5 inches across (we measured) and very good.

Chase said the company was going to be expanding to Georgia in a couple of years. We’ll be looking for it!