Our first stop on our southwest swing to the west coast is the Pensacola/Mobile area on the gulf coast. Our RV campground, Riverside RV Resort, is halfway between both towns so is a great place to stay for six nights. We pulled into the campground midday, got setup and settled, and headed into Pensacola to learn a little history and get close to the water (easy to do).
One of the decisions we made about exploring this area is that since it’s so close to us, we can come down and visit whenever we want so we won’t try to see everything. Stay tuned for our highlights.
adding Alabama to our map
our campground
Seville Quarter looks like a fun place to be at night if you like to drink and dance.
This one-block of history looks like a great place to visit when we come back to the area. Don’t want to forget about it!
The canopied area has informational signs about those who live settled in the Pensacola area, primarily in military settlements, the past 200 years. The next picture shows who settled this area and when.
who was in control when
While walking around, we needed a little bite to eat and saw this fun collection of airstreams serving as food trucks. Little white lights drew us in.
But this was the only food truck open. Guess we’re here too early in the season! The tacos were spicy and good though.
If you thought Jamestown and St. Augustine were the oldest cities in the United States, you’re wrong (as we were)! In August 1559, the Spanish arrived in Pensacola Bay. The settlement failed a couple of years later, but it was here.