Amazing how our hunger can lead us to interesting places. We ended up outside of the park but still in the Dixie National Forest. This is the local place to go for both winter and summer sports on Brian Head Summit.

We got our lunches and sat outside where the live band was taking a break. We were glad of their break because when they started playing, we found that their music wasn’t to our liking (but maybe to yours).

The owners of this place are so smart. They’ve converted some of their ski lifts to bike lifts so folks can rent mountain bikes, take them up the mountain 1000 feet to the summit, and ride back down.

They also have archery for those inclined to that sport (in the distance on the right-hand side of the picture). The device for moving the bikes up the mountain is in the forefront of the picture.

And they have lots of places for people to stay.

We thought this place was a little gem, and we’re so glad we found it! Tomorrow we’re off to Monument Valley in Colorado.