We went to the Door County Historical Museum on Sturgeon Bay in the afternoon while it was raining outside. The entry room was so interesting, because a local taxidermist had painted a mural that reflected the four seasons from spring on the left to winter on the right. It included a “tree” made out of Styrofoam and painted, a waterfall, animals, and birds.

closeups of this entry “mural”

patented firsts and fish boils
A fascinating area in the museum was a display on the patented firsts that came from this area, including snow blowers and tree shakers for collecting apples. Men in earlier centuries were so inventive so they could make their lives easier.
We also learned about fish boils, a local event that originated from the Scandinavians when they wanted to feed large groups of loggers or fishermen.

That night we went to a fish boil at Pelletier’s and loved it! We were so glad we learned about fish boils before we went to one! Of course, this was the last night for the boils for the season. Glad we didn’t miss it.

Wednesday was raining all day, so we drove to Green Bay to stock up at Costco and get haircuts at Great Clips. Discount Tires was next door so we got the tire pressure checked (necessities of life on the road).