While driving from Las Vegas to Truckee, California, we saw the turnoff for Pahrump, Nevada, the home of the late overnight radio host, Art Bell. If you never listened to him on the radio in the 1980s and 1990s, waxing on about alien abductions, crop circles, or remote viewing on Coast to Coast AM, you’ve missed out. But reruns are still out there if you can’t sleep at night. The great things about him as a radio personality is that he didn’t get combative, and we never knew what he really thought.
We also saw this building, and I always thought it was a myth. Loved the high desert vistas as we drove through Nevada!

Had a great time with family on this short visit. First day of spring brought a snow story and a shoveling opportunity.

Got to eat in an In-N-Out Burger for the first time; a do-again. Wish we had one in Alpharetta, but at least we have Chick-fil-A’s everywhere. The adults got to have a lunch out together at Full Belly Deli by Matt’s office. Food was really good, but our time together was even better!

If you’re familiar with the north shore of Lake Tahoe and/or love wooden boats, you may know about Gar Woods Grill–one of our favorite places to eat at Lake Tahoe. This photo was taken from the back deck. We shared a Dungeness crab sandwich on toasted sourdough bread–two foods we can’t get on the East Coast and absolutely love.

During lunch we talked about our experiences around and on the lake before we had known each other. Barney pointed out the ski resorts where he had worked while on national ski patrol. The only time I ever skied was in my early 20s and was overwhelmed with all the young children barreling down the bunny slope, so I am in awe of his skiing expertise.
At the Reno airport for the first leg of our trip home, we made it through all of the waiting time without hearing “Wheel of Fortune” on the slot machines yet. Oh happy day!

We’re flying home tomorrow, and I’m looking forward to the green of north Georgia, the azaleas in bloom, and some warmer weather!

So glad we have someone living in our home while we travel so it’s lived in.