What a difference a day made! After the fear that we were stuck with the slide not being able to close easily, we found the factory in a small town in Indiana that made our RV. The plant manager met with us and replaced the fuse with one that would reset itself. If that didn’t work, they promised they would replace the motor. The fuse change made all the difference in the world.
Then a sales rep took us on a plant tour, and we saw how our RV was made. Most of the employees are Amish and so have a great work ethic; they were running between locations as they did their jobs. The plant puts out at least 30 RVs a day! The pictures are of the process and the insulation in all the walls. The day turned out to be one of the best days we’ve ever had. What a difference from yesterday; thank you, Lord!

Now we can get back on the road.