As we were getting used to living in our RV, we wanted to take a trip for a whole week. We decided to drive to Kentucky to see the Ark Encounter and anything else interesting that we could find in the area. The closest RV park was Three Springs Campground outside of Cornith, KY. It was pretty cold and wet while we were there, so while at the campground, we stayed inside most of the time. One night it was so cold that the owners had to turn off all of the water hookups so they wouldn’t freeze. So glad we have a fresh water tank!
Ark Encounter
We’re off to go to the Ark Encounter. Don’t know if this picture gives you a good perspective of the actual size that follows the dimensions in Genesis, but the brochure says it’s 7 stories tall and a football field and a half long, the largest timber frame structure in the world. Friends had said it was a great place to visit, and we agree!

The Ark Encounter is a real treat to experience. A couple of bits of knowledge we picked up included God sending juvenile animals to the ark instead of full grown so size wasn’t such a big deal, and “of every kind” referred to animals that could interbreed so not every species was needed.

We saw examples of what the cages could have looked like, how animals could have been fed and watered, how animal waste could have been handled, and how food could have been stored.

Waste would have left the cages and flowed to the end of the structure to be collected in containers. From this picture, clean water could have been poured through fabric coverings to break down the waste. Corks from the bottom of the containers would have been removed to empty the liquid waste into a larger container to be emptied over the side of the ark. Clever.
Exhibits also included suggestions on fresh air ventilation and lighting. Barney says the museum challenged some of his thinking on geologic history.

Probably the animals onboard weren’t meat eaters yet so only grains for food would have been needed. (Genesis 6:21)
A man on top of the larger cages in the following picture could empty seed and water into the containers for these larger animals.

See the container in the back left corner of the next picture? It would have been for water.

From the displays in the Ark, we realized that the world the animals had known before the flood was totally different when they were realized from the boat. Before food would have been plentiful, but after all the grasses, grains, and trees were gone, and only the hardiest could survive.
We highly recommend you putting the Ark Encounter on your bucket list! Even the food was good at the lunch facility next door to the Ark.