Donner Lake Trail Tunnels
We’ve had a great week with Matt’s family at their home outside of Truckee. Barney loves the cool mornings, and I’m glad I have a sweatshirt. One afternoon we drove up to Donner Lake with Peggy, Montana and a friend, and Peggy’s dad, Paul, and hiked around the Donner Lake train tunnels.

Paul leads historical hikes so he could tell us what we were seeing. The trail we were on was one of the actual trails used in the 1800s when the early settlers broke down their wagons and carried everything over the mountains. One of the tunnels was so long that we could barely see the light at the end to walk toward. We had seen these tunnels from Hwy. 80 but had never been up close. The man-hours it took to build them years ago was amazing. Now newer tunnels accommodate trains going in both directions.
Then Paul led us a half mile (up hill) to Catfish Lake so the dogs could jump in and cool off. What an awe-inspiring afternoon to see what God had created and the vistas the mountains provide.

We even did some geocaching on our hike that helped us enjoy the vistas even more.
Truckee Air Show
Saturday was the Truckee air show. Peggy and her staff from Big Brothers Big Sisters (she’s the executive director) were at the information table. Matt and the kids are in Morgan Hill for Tucker’s lacrosse tournament, so we joined Peggy at the air show.

These shows are great to go to with Barney because he knows what he’s looking at and has been in or flown many of the military planes.
One plane I liked was the care flight plane that carries hurt people to the closest hospital.

This nonprofit group is a real help in the area that’s filled with areas not easily accessible by road.
Another plane I liked was a helicopter used for carrying heavy loads like water for fighting forest fires. This helicopter is one of three types that can carry more weight than the actual weight of the plane. Amazing.
The third plane was a Jimmy Doolittle-type plane from WW2. What history. Hadn’t seen this one before.

Also at the air show was a forum of various groups of first-responders from the area who all work together. With all the possibilities of people getting hurt or lost in the mountains winter and summer, this is a lot of people!
Tomorrow we’re off for our drive across the states toward home with our new-to-us truck so we can hook up with our RV for more travels. It’s so sad to leave family and the green Sierra mountains, but we’re off to Salt Lake City tonight. Our first trip in our new truck.